Monday, February 3, 2014

The Magic Of Crystals

Crystals are one of the most powerful magic tools that mother nature has given us. Charging a crystal with energy before working with it will magnify the power of it and will expand your magical abilities. You can charge a crystal with any kind of energy you want. Elemental, universal, light, healing or personal energy are some of them. Our body is a great channel of energy and if we unlock it’s secrets we can handle any energy we want. Our right hand is called projective because it can project (or send) energy when our left is called receiving because it can receive (or absorb) energy (it’s the other way around for left handed people). Let’s say that you want to charge a crystal with the power of the element of fire.  Before everything take a shower to clean any energy from your body! Then meditate! Light some candles burn some incense and meditate to charge your body with energy and empower your concentration! Light a fire or a candle and extend your receiving arm toward it then grab the crystal with your projective hand and visualise the energy of fire being absorbed by your receiving hand, travel through your body and then absorbed by the stone/crystal (the crystal should be properly cleansed before charging it with any energy) through your projective hand. You will sense that the crystal is charged when it is ready (maybe a slightly change of temperature,  a chill, a tingle or some other minor feeling). You can do it with any energy! Just use your visualisation and your body! In case of personal energy just visualise the energy of your aura being absorbed from the crystal through your projective hand as well! Recharge your crystal when you feel it weakened. If you want to change a crystal with a different kind of energy first clean the crystal very well from the previous energy by burring it to the earth for some days.

Blessed be. May the light illuminate your path.

The Brotherhood Of Light

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